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How often should Personal Knowledge identification be updated?

Every month

As required

Personal knowledge identification refers to a notary's direct knowledge of a person's identity, which can come from personal acquaintance or having seen identification documents. It is crucial for a notary to be able to confirm the identity of individuals to whom they are providing notary services. The correct answer, "As required," underscores the importance of flexibility in maintaining personal knowledge identification. There is no fixed schedule to update this knowledge; it should be done whenever necessary. For example, if a notary meets a client for the first time or if there is a concern regarding a change in the individual's identity (like a name change), the notary should update their knowledge accordingly. This allows notaries to ensure compliance with the law and maintain the integrity of the notarial acts they perform. Other options suggest a rigid timeframe or conditions that may not align with the dynamic nature of identity verification. For example, updating identification annually or monthly may not be practical or necessary unless there are specific reasons to do so. Similarly, only updating when a new ID is issued does not account for changes in circumstance or new clients who may require notarial services.

Once a year

Only when a new ID is issued


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